hydra commands

Some bruteforce terminal commands to use with Hydra. Hydra is a built-in cracking tool in Kali Linux which can work offline and online platforms. It can work in complaince with plenty of platforms. SSH, RDP, HTTP are just few of those.

hydra: bruteforce smb login

hydra -L users.txt -P passwords.txt -e nsr smb://targetIp

hydra: bruteforce ssh login (-V, -v verbose)

hydra -l root -P passwordlist ssh://ipv4Address -V

hydra: bruteforce ftp login

hydra -t 5 -V -f -C /tmp/wordlist ftp://targetIp

hydra: bruteforce SNMP

hydra -P password-file.txt -v ipv4Address snmp

hydra: bruteforce Windows Remote Desktop

hydra -t 1 -V -f -l administrator -P /path/to/wordlist.txt rdp://ipv4Address

hydra: bruteforce POP3

hydra -l userName -P /path/to/wordlist -f ipv4Address pop3 -V